Course curriculum

Here is an overview of what you, as a sales manager, can expect to learn:

    1. Thynk about creating a new sales program

    2. How can I track activities on my sales program?

    3. Thynk about tracking your sales activities

    4. How can I track invitations of my sales program?

    5. Thynk about tracking invitations

    6. How can I update post event details and see my ROI?

    7. Thynk about post event updates to the sales program and ROI

    8. How can I repeat a successful sales program? (Clone a sales program)

    9. Thynk about cloning a sales program

This course is designed for Sales Managers. It is designed to teach you how Thynk will help you run your day to day sales activities and book business quickly and efficiently.

  • 9 lessons